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  • Spring 2013


*Come What May – River – p. 4

solo tripping in May before most people arrive; no bugs, good fishing and lots of wildlife; safety and gear recommendations for cold-weather tripping

*Wild Women Of A Certain Age – Greenley – p.13

group of women, all in their 60s, still enjoying the canoe trails; the keys for planning and pulling off great canoe trips with special camaraderie

*Destined For Delahey – Foley – p.16

Quetico route to the infamous Olive Jar on Delahey Lake; jar contains trip messages from fellow paddlers over the years; includes campsite reviews of Camel, Veron and Delahey Lakes

*Canoe Country Grand Slam Series–Part 1–Smallmouth – Osthoff – p.28

BWJ Publisher and guide Stu Osthoff shares 35 yrs of hard-core canoe country smallmouth fishing experience; this the definitive BWJ article on when, how and where to fish BWCAW/Quantico smallmouth; super detailed advice on tactics and tackle that really work: includes smallmouth lake index with synopsis and ratings for 50 BWCAW and Quetico lakes

*Down The Coppermine – Sproat – p.46

A 40-day "Far North" paddling adventure down the Northwest Territories' Coppermine River; whitewater, caribou, grizzlies and the thrill of paddling to the Coronation Gulf on the Arctic Ocean

*Collective Wisdom – Bayley Bay Rescue – p.58

BWCAW field editors share their advice for cold-water rescue of capsized paddlers in heavy wind/waves; be ready if some day you are either the one in the water or doing the rescuing; super valuable advice that could save a life

*BWCAW Campsite Review – Monthei – p.82

            Cherokee Lake, 20 campsites are rated in detail

*Boundary Waters Spring – Teach – p.98

            Inspirational poetry

Spring 2013

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