Available Back Issues
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  • Summer 1999


*What Generation Gap? – Ragsdale – p.5

            tripping with the older generation

*Quetico Journal – Jones – p.13

            Man Chain, McEwen, Kenny Creek, Mack, Wawiag, Kawnipi, Keewatin, Agnes, Basswood

            8 moose seen

*A Raven’s Knowledge – Nelson – p.24

            raven ecology & behavior

*Portaging The Permit Path – Furtman – p.32

            explaining how to use the Quetico & BWCAW permit systems

*Grandkids Are Something Special – Cary – p.42

            MaAree, Crooked, Roland; fishing

*Lichen Lore – Hoff – p.48

            lichen ecology

*Exploring The “Inland” Boundary Waters – Holschlag – p.51

            getting off the main routes & into the backcountry

*Living On The Edge – Editor’s Column – Osthoff – p.57

            ice out trout trip to Argo, Darky, Cone

*Planting The Seed ­– Hallgren – p.73

            a school group discovers the BWCAW

*Catch And Release – Ristow – p.79

            fishing Pickerel Lake

*North of North Bay – Foley – p.83

            routes out of North Bay

*River Point Resort – Stewart – p.93

            resort profile: River Point on Birch Lake

*Campfire Stories – BWJ Readers – p.101

Summer 1999

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