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  • Winter 1999


* Wolf Fears-Real Or Imagined? – Wahlstrom – p.5

            wolf encounter on Wawiag River; research on man/wolf attacks

*Tough Sledding – Ceronsky – p.12

            dog trip to Sawbill & Alton Lakes ends with emergency situation

*Spirit Of Basswood Lake – Cary – p.23

            fictional essay of Quetico Park Ranger mystery

*The Mushing Mistique – Osthoff – p.27

            dogsled trip to Knife Lake & fantastic lake trout fishing

*Favorite Canoe Country Wildlife – Holschlag – p.34

            moose, loons, bears, otters, ravens & more: real encounters with each in Canoe Country

*Less Work-More Play ­– Osthoff – p. 43

            canoe trip strategies for enjoying more fishing and less paddling & portaging

*Across Quetico In January – Hansen – p.49

pulling toboggan with winter gear 80 miles across Quetico in 8 days: French Lake to  Saganaga

*Bushwhacker Extraordinaire – Nelson – p.55

Chuck Farnum profile: a lifetime of exploring the Quetico backcountry & at 82 still bushwhacking

*Northern Lights – Hoff – p.59

            the phenomena explained

*Winter Whitetails – Karns – p.62

            how northern forest deer survive the winter

*Food For Thought – Borkholder – p.76

            some of the science behind the Catch and Release ethic

*Living On The Edge – Editor’s Column – Osthoff – p.85

            Fall 1999 grouse hunting & deer hunting

*Silver Rapids Lodge – Stewart – p.103

            Resort Profile of silver Rapids Lodge on White Iron Lake

Winter 1999

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